TQIL on Shrapnel’s Most Anticipated Titles for Spring 2021

So cool to see The Quiet is Loud on this list of most anticipated titles for Spring 2021 from Shrapnel Magazine, along with so many other books I want to read! An excerpt: The Quiet is Loud looks to be a special treat featuring the occult, selfhood, and a meditation…

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TQIL in Hamilton Review of Books’ Editors’ Picks, Spring 2021

As someone who lived in Hamilton for a couple of years and fell in love with the place very quickly, seeing The Quiet is Loud on Hamilton Review of Books' "What We're Reading: Editors' Picks, Spring 2021" list feels extra sweet to me! Thank you Hamilton Review of Books for…

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TQIL in 49th Shelf’s “Most Anticipated” 2021 spring fiction list

I'm over the moon about The Quiet is Loud appearing in the 49th Shelf's "Most Anticipated" 2021 spring fiction list! There are so many great titles on this list and I'm excited for my book to be included as one of them (look for it in the paragraph showing the…

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