I read Big Magic.

I'd been hearing about Elizabeth Gilbert's book Big Magic for a long time, about how wonderful and inspiring it was for creatively-driven people. I'd even heard that it was life-changing. And, I admit, when I hear something is life-changing, I tend to shy away. I have a natural distrust of things that…

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Novel things.

  • Post category:Writing
  • Reading time:2 mins read

In 2010, I completed NaNoWriMo. I wrote a novel called Practice, which was accurate. It was practice. I'd written two book-length things as a teenager - and I don't say this to make myself sound impressive. One of them was basically the plot of The Outsiders, except the Ponyboy character…

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I quit writing.

  • Post category:Writing
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Maybe. Can one quit being a writer? This is a post I've wanted to write - and dreaded writing - for a long time. For about as long as I have no longer considered myself a "writer," at least outside of my freelancing career. How long has that been? It's…

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