Another IFOA

  • Post category:PeopleWriting
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Every year it feels like the last IFOA (International Festival of Authors) was just two weeks ago. Admittedly, I got an earlier than usual start this year. Yesterday, Teri and I went to a reading and interview with Ben Lerner and Ian McEwan, and it seemed to go by in…

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  • Post category:Writing
  • Reading time:2 mins read

In 2005 I had a poetry blog. It's strange for me to think that I wrote poetry, but I did, and I used to post the (mostly unpublished) poems on my blog. That's another thing that's strange to me now. I recently rediscovered the blog thanks to files I'd saved years…

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  • Post category:PeopleWriting
  • Reading time:1 mins read

INTERVIEWER What was going on with your writing then? ISHIGURO At the time, people weren’t talking about books. They were talking about TV plays, fringe theater, cinema, rock music. Then I read Jerusalem the Golden by Margaret Drabble. By this time I’d begun reading the big nineteenth-century novels, so it…

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