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Subscribe to Deadmedia and get a free fantasy short story! Stone Grown is set in the greater world of my latest novel Seeker of the Lost Song and its sequel-in-progress. You can read more about the writing process – and the song that inspired it – here.

Some of Stone Grown’s historical & folklore inspirations:

  • Turku Castle in the medieval period, under Swedish rule. Specifically:
    • The labyrinth carved into the wall in the Ladies’ Parlour to trap evil spirits
    • The Scriptorium
  • Tuonela, the Finnish land of the dead, and its associated characters
  • Pre-colonial Filipino death rituals

When you join Deadmedia, you’ll get updates on what I’m working on, book news, thoughts on creativity, and other exclusive content. I send a newsletter on the 15th of each month, with infrequent emails in between if there’s time-sensitive news. I look forward to seeing you there!

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