Prized possession

  • Post category:History
  • Reading time:2 mins read

This 1945 penny was in my change from the grocery store in 2010, and it's one of my most prized possessions. I’m not really a monarchist, but I like to imagine the way the world was when this coin was new. In the grander scheme of history, it's very recent,…

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Another Mrs Beeton recipe: Carrot soup with rice

  • Post category:HistoryMisc.
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Since I last cooked from my c.1938 copy of Mrs Beeton's Household Management, I've wanted to try another recipe. I marked out a few contenders that didn't necessitate sourcing a pheasant or a sheep's head, and today's lunch was: Carrot Soup with Rice. Here's the recipe: Ingredients - 2 pints of white…

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Mrs Beeton, and a recipe

  • Post category:HistoryReading
  • Reading time:4 mins read

A couple of months ago I stumbled upon my dream book in a secondhand book store. Despite the name, Mrs Beeton's Household Management isn't my dream book because I yearn for the upper echelons of hausfrauness or anything. I discovered an older version of the book in 2008, and since…

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