today was a productive writing day

  • Post category:Writing
  • Reading time:2 mins read

There is no greater excitement than starting a story. Finishing a story is satisfying, but in a different way - it's a worn-out, bleary-eyed kind of happiness. You almost don't even care. You don't really remember the thrilling beginning, the new idea becoming a narrative with real, live characters. Today…

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morning in your childhood home

  • Post category:Misc.Places
  • Reading time:1 mins read

There are certain sounds that will be comforting forever: slippered feet on that creaky floor, early morning radio debates, water being poured into a kettle, screen doors sliding open. I stretch and kick the metal footboard as I had done every morning, and before I am fully myself I forget…

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solaris, 1972

  • Post category:Film StillsMisc.
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Solaris, 1972 - the original! This is another great movie I randomly borrowed from my local library branch (see my previous post if you want to read me gush about the selection there). I enjoyed some of the out-of-context quotes in this one, as you can see. Of course, I…

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janet frame

  • Post category:Film StillsMisc.
  • Reading time:1 mins read

An Angel at My Table, 1990. A surprising find from my local library (I love you, Nose Hill branch), which reliably has the best movies. I really enjoyed this movie, the story of it, but the imagery was stunning as well. I admit I didn't know anything about Janet Frame…

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