Filipino culture in my writing – a pledge

After reading a couple of speculative fiction novels that incorporate non-European mythology (Brown Girl in the Ring by Nalo Hopkinson and Black Leopard, Red Wolf by Marlon James), and really wonderful conversations with my editor, I've renewed my commitment to incorporating Filipino folk tales and mythology in The Quiet is…

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Clock & Bell

  • Post category:Misc.PlacesWriting
  • Reading time:8 mins read

When I think about some of the memorable parts of my years writing online, I'm usually most nostalgic for the earliest years: 1997-2001-ish. But recently, I fell into a different sort of nostalgia spiral. I forget how it even started, but I found myself missing the way blogging was just…

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The history of fictional worlds

In 2016, I wrote the following blog post for my history blog, The Small Histories. I was thinking about it again recently and wanted to share it here as well – book lovers will appreciate it! Also, I had to actually laugh out loud when I read “I’m not a worldbuilding sort of writer” – Oh if only the me of 2016 knew that worldbuilding would be ALL she’d do just two years later!


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My summer of sorta writing

  • Post category:PlacesWriting
  • Reading time:6 mins read

It’s been fall for a few days now, and it’s probably the third one in a row where I can look back on my summer writing and actually feel fairly impressed. Usually, summer is terrible for my writing. In my part of Ontario the summers are scorching, humid, and long. Many people love this, but I tend to wilt and become sluggish and annoyed. In the past this has meant my writing becomes sluggish too, and I don’t really produce much of anything at all. However, since the year I started writing my first novel, not writing in the summers simply wasn’t an option. It just wouldn’t work. And I suppose since that time my brain has learned to dust itself off and get on with it, even when the sun sizzles my skin after five minutes outdoors.


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Ruins of St Mary’s Abbey, York

  • Post category:Places
  • Reading time:2 mins read

In 2010 I visited York, England. I'd always wanted to go there, primarily because I was excited about all the historical sights in the town. My site's header comes from that trip - it's a small bit of what remains of St Mary's Abbey, a Benedictine abbey established in 1088.…

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