Another Mrs Beeton recipe: Carrot soup with rice

  • Post category:HistoryMisc.
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Since I last cooked from my c.1938 copy of Mrs Beeton's Household Management, I've wanted to try another recipe. I marked out a few contenders that didn't necessitate sourcing a pheasant or a sheep's head, and today's lunch was: Carrot Soup with Rice. Here's the recipe: Ingredients - 2 pints of white…

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Mrs Beeton, and a recipe

  • Post category:HistoryReading
  • Reading time:4 mins read

A couple of months ago I stumbled upon my dream book in a secondhand book store. Despite the name, Mrs Beeton's Household Management isn't my dream book because I yearn for the upper echelons of hausfrauness or anything. I discovered an older version of the book in 2008, and since…

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I know the feeling.

  • Post category:ReadingWriting
  • Reading time:1 mins read

Jonna filled the teakettle in the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, looking at her own face, she thought with sudden bitterness that it couldn't go on like this, these short stories that were never finished and just went on and on getting rewritten and discarded and picked up again, all…

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  • Post category:Reading
  • Reading time:1 mins read

It seemed to happen all at once, this colour and coolness. My husband and I had patio beers with some friends on Saturday, and barbecued in our backyard with other friends on Sunday, and now this. It seems cliché to be this excited for this particular month and the season it…

Continue ReadingOctober.