I’m having a lot of fun with my newsletter. It’s been nice to return to slightly longer forms of expression considering, you know, *gestures vaguely at the state of social media*. I realize that this blog/journal can count as a longer form of expression, but honestly I’m still not sure how to best use this space.
So in the meantime, here are some of the recent topics I wrote about:
☾ How pandemic isolation benefited my creativity
☾ The time I produced a play by the skin of my teeth
☾ Justine Frischmann’s influence on my presentation of myself
☾ Musings on the coming of age and expression on the late ’90s/early ’00s internet
☾ Five unusual ways Tolkien inspired my work
☾ Various updates on #TheQuietIsLoud and #SeekerOfTheLostSong
I send out the newsletter once a month – subscribe or read here!