Where I’ve been

  • Post category:Misc. / Writing
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  • Reading time:2 mins read


So. Things have been quiet here lately! After 20 years, it feels weird not keeping up a blog on a regular basis, not thinking about it. I wonder these days if blogs are fading in favour of other channels. Or maybe that’s just how it’s been with me.

I’m not saying I’m going away forever – this blog is a great place for me to share things I’m thinking, or little bits of creative writing that don’t really make sense on Instagram or Twitter. But I wanted to share some of the other places where I’ve been more active lately:

The Quiet is Loud – My TinyLetter
I’ve been writing here about once a month, sharing longer thoughts on writing and life stuff. Many of my letters are made public, but some aren’t – so please subscribe if you’re interested!

I started a little channel to talk about writing things, and sometimes books. I’ve also been doing  a fun YouTube Book Club with my friend Suzen – Slam Book Fever – reviewing the first 12 Sweet Valley High books from a distance of ~30 years.

Pinterest – Novel research
Now that the first draft of my novel is finished, I thought it would be fun to share the Pinterest research board I’d been adding to periodically as I wrote. It’s interesting to see the earliest pins, the things I thought would be part of my novel over a year ago. It’s changed, but it’s also gratifying to see how close it remained to that initial vision!

And of course, I’m still posting on Instagram and Twitter quite a bit!

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