Your time is coming

  • Post category:Writing
  • Reading time:3 mins read

After high school, I got a job at an artificial flower warehouse by the airport. It was my first real job. I took two buses that always smelled of coffee, and squeezed in amongst people trying to navigate a newspaper within their own sliver of personal space. I loved it.…

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What helps

  • Post category:Misc.PlacesWriting
  • Reading time:1 mins read

1) A long morning walk with my dog, remembering what a cool breeze feels like. 2) Reading the paper at my parents' kitchen table. Opening my laptop to write. 3) The familiar sounds of my childhood home - the fridge humming, the kitchen floor creaking, an upstairs door closing as…

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Swimming Studies

  • Post category:Misc.People
  • Reading time:1 mins read

My friend has loaned me a book. The author is half-Filipino, just like my friend and me. I read it eagerly. It feels familiar. The author's writing style reminds me so much of my friend's, and I relish the glimpses of the suburban neighbourhoods we grew up in. I read…

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