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TQIL reviewed in Broken Pencil

Many, many years ago, Broken Pencil published a short story of mine. It was so long ago that I no longer remember the story’s name. I was a new zinester then, and so appearing in Broken Pencil was a dream. So it felt very special to see The Quiet is Loud reviewed in their magazine recently.

Garner’s speculative narrative … these questions in a complex family history while maintaining a day-in-the-life narrative feel. It’s a fearlessly unique book, and I look forward to whatever this exciting new author chooses to write next.

You can read the full review here. Thank you Maria Cichosz and Broken Pencil!

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Kimberly Kuniko

    What a joyful surprise this must have been. It makes me want to read that short story. ^.^

    1. Samantha

      It was quite a joyful surprise! And from what I remember of that short story, it was VERY different to the way I write now, though some hints of my current style were still there. I’d like to revisit it too!