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where i write

  • Post category:Places / Writing
  • Post comments:6 Comments
  • Reading time:2 mins read

blackandwhiteMy old Goose on a Moose print and various old photos of my mother and Finland.

doris lessingI’m not really a fan of Doris Lessing’s fiction, but I love her as a writer. If she catches me not writing, she shakes her finger at me and tells me to get moving.

plant_purpleA dusty plant given to us by friends, and an old monster made by Suzen a long time ago.

istanbul_lampAn oil lamp from Istanbul, a present from my brother. In the background are buttons with the Berlin “walk/don’t walk” symbols.

george_vi pennyThis 1945 penny was in my change from the grocery store a few months ago. I’m not really a monarchist, but I love history and I like to imagine the way the world was when this coin was new. It’s also fascinating to me to have a coin with a different monarch on it (it’s been just one all my life). Remind me to bore you one day with the story of why George VI is facing left.

Until I took these pictures, I never noticed how I’d unconsciously grouped things together – items that remind me of traveling; items with the same colours; items from friends. I also feel a small amount of shame at how sparse my writing area is, especially my four corkboards. The fourth one has just one thing on it! I need some inspiration, I think. So many of the blogs I read are by people who produce tangible things – illustrators, artists, photographers – so their spaces are always so obviously visual. I suppose I could put up things that evoke feelings or ideas – and to some degree I have, but I’m wary of things ending up corny.

Any suggestions?

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This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Teri

    I love this entry! I like the stuff you have on display – they seem just right. It doesn’t seem too sparse. I actually don’t have a set place to write in Montreal. I used to have a desk, but I never used it, so we converted it to an area for storage. In some ways I like being to write wherever, but this makes me want to have a corkboard too! :)

    (Actually, your goose on a moose print is tacked to my corkboard in my old room at my parents’ house. They haven’t touched my bedroom since I left, so it’s still there :) )

    1. Samantha

      Thanks! Maybe I’m just concerned about the corkboards. I actually don’t write at my desk 100% of the time, so that could be another reason why they’re so empty.

      My goose and moose are spending time with your parents and your old things – I like it!

  2. sandra

    i love that oil lamp!
    where i draw and think there are no things to look at, because they distract me – maybe it’s the same way for you? there’s a thin line between distraction and inspiration visually, at least according to me. i sent you your wristworms earlier today, hope they will give your hands some inspiration :) cheers!

    1. Samantha

      I think it’s the same for me but with a different result – I’m not distracted by images but by words. Makes sense, considering your art is visual and mine is word-based, I think!

      I’m excited for the Wrist Worms and hand inspiration – thank you!

  3. Laura

    It’s not corny if it means something to you.

    1. Samantha

      Yes, you’re right as always! xo