The Outward Room

  • Post category:PeopleReading
  • Reading time:2 mins read

I wondered how it was that I had never heard of this book and its extraordinarily promising young author. I asked around, but no one seemed to know or remember Millen Brand, or his books. It's somewhat frightening to learn that good books - even books heralded in their time…

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Writing and Filipinos.

  • Post category:Misc.PeopleWriting
  • Reading time:2 mins read

My friend Teri has an article in the latest Ricepaper, titled Between Representations: Filipinos in Canadian Literature. Teri's one of my favourite writers so I am always eager to read anything she writes, but I was especially excited to read this. She and I are both half-Filipino, and have talked in…

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Another IFOA

  • Post category:PeopleWriting
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Every year it feels like the last IFOA (International Festival of Authors) was just two weeks ago. Admittedly, I got an earlier than usual start this year. Yesterday, Teri and I went to a reading and interview with Ben Lerner and Ian McEwan, and it seemed to go by in…

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