Nothing and everything

  • Post category:Misc.PeoplePlaces
  • Reading time:1 mins read

Nothing changes, maybe even me. I wrap my scarf around my neck three times and nestle in. I drive my father's car in the dark, in the rain, winding my way around random streets, wandering until I run out of coffee. Or I'm an early morning passenger with a bagel in my hand,…

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Connected to history

Memorial plaques for three of the family members of Plum Johnson, author of the memoir They Left us Everything (check it out at or, which I mentioned in a recent entry. I would hesitate to call this "history," but seeing these plaques (I had forgotten they were there, so…

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Tripping over the carpet

Days that feel like older days. Lazy suburban summer drives, windows open, listening to a short story read on the radio. Sitting by the lake for an interminable length of time. Browsing at the bookstore I used to spend so much time in, tripping over the carpet. While my mother looks at…

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