Nothing and everything

  • Post category:Misc.PeoplePlaces
  • Reading time:1 mins read

Nothing changes, maybe even me. I wrap my scarf around my neck three times and nestle in. I drive my father's car in the dark, in the rain, winding my way around random streets, wandering until I run out of coffee. Or I'm an early morning passenger with a bagel in my hand,…

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Connected to history

Memorial plaques for three of the family members of Plum Johnson, author of the memoir They Left us Everything (check it out at or, which I mentioned in a recent entry. I would hesitate to call this "history," but seeing these plaques (I had forgotten they were there, so…

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Tripping over the carpet

Days that feel like older days. Lazy suburban summer drives, windows open, listening to a short story read on the radio. Sitting by the lake for an interminable length of time. Browsing at the bookstore I used to spend so much time in, tripping over the carpet. While my mother looks at…

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Turku Castle/Turun Linna

  • Post category:HistoryPlaces
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Last month, my husband and I spent a couple of weeks visiting family in Finland and Germany. The historical site we were both most excited to see was Turku Castle, in southwest Finland. Turku was the capital of Finland until 1812, when Alexander I, thinking Turku was a little too close to…

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Books, nostalgia.

  • Post category:PlacesReading
  • Reading time:2 mins read

A friend of mine told me that Macondo Books in Guelph was going out of business, and were having a sale this weekend. I went, not just for the sale, but to say goodbye. Maybe that sounds corny, but it's true. I always found at least one great book every time I…

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Peeling Rambutan

I've been reading poems like mad recently, so I got excited when Teri invited me to an evening of readings hosted by her friend, poet Gillian Sze. Even getting there felt sort of poetic, visuals full of meaning. My husband and I drove down Dundas in the rain, passing through the…

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Scenes from a book fair.

  • Post category:PlacesReading
  • Reading time:2 mins read

And when I say "book fair," I don't mean readings or lectures about books or writing or anything like that. I mean a building with multiple rooms of cheap books to buy. Basically, heaven. It started on Wednesday and Saturday was the last day, so my husband and I drove down…

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Another shore.

  • Post category:Places
  • Reading time:1 mins read

On Sunday Lake Erie was almost impossibly still, with some ice on the horizon. I had to keep checking the spot where the water shrugged against the beach to make sure the entire lake wasn't frozen solid. We parked at a shoreside fish & chips shop in Lowbanks, closed for the season,…

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