Italicized words, and not othering myself in The Quiet is Loud

  • Post category:The Quiet is Loud
  • Reading time:2 mins read

One of my favourite conversations with my editor for The Quiet is Loud went something like this: Me: So, we’re not italicizing the Filipino words, right? Amazing Editor Bryan Ibeas of Invisible Publishing: Fuck no we’re not. I know that the conversation would have gone the same way if anyone…

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Filipino & Finnish mythology & folklore in my recent work

To celebrate crossing the midpoint in my science-fantasy novella, I'm sharing the Filipino & Finnish mythology & folklore I've incorporated in my work so far. This includes The Quiet is Loud, Seeker of the Lost Song, and Seeker's sequel as well as the novella. Folklore/mythology from the Philippines:⁠ ✦ Nuno…

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