Historical inspiration for my fantasy novel: foreign rule in Finland & the Philippines

Why do I write historically-inspired SF/F set in societies that disregard personal autonomy? I admit, when I first noticed it I got a little concerned.⁠ Shouldn’t I be writing about dragons or something lighthearted and fun? ⁠ Then I took a step back and looked at the broad strokes history…

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Honoured to be the inaugural Captured Phantoms “Pay It Forward” Scholarship Award recipient

I'm honoured to be the inaugural Captured Phantoms "Pay It Forward" Scholarship Award Recipient. The fund was established by the wonderful book coach and editor Karen A. Parker, and I'm excited to work with Karen on developing Seeker of the Lost Song! The fund helps subsidize the cost of coaching,…

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Get a free fantasy short story!

Something exciting in the world of my newsletter: a free fantasy short story as a thank-you gift for subscribers! ⁠Stone Grown is set in the greater world of my latest fantasy novel Seeker of the Lost Song and its sequel-in-progress. It’s historically-inspired, character-driven, and draws on Finnish and Filipino folklore…

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