Historical inspiration for my fantasy novel: Early Finns, Sámi, and “unnatural” magic

By April 2022 I had almost entirely lost steam with Seeker of the Lost Song. I had already changed the setting once, from a generation-ship in space. For the type of story I was writing, the characters needed movement. They needed a quest. Deciding that the closed environment of a…

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The Quiet is Loud & old Filipino restaurants

Firstly: Happy Filipino Heritage Month! 🇵🇭 There’s an old-school style of Filipino restaurant called “turo-turo1.” The name is an example of classic Filipino word reduplicating, and stems from the word for pointing at something. They're often located in strip malls, and the typical feature is their cafeteria-style presentation, all food…

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SFWA Blog: Character Development Lessons From Video Games

  • Post category:Misc.NewsWriting
  • Reading time:1 mins read

I'm excited to have the chance to geek out about both character development and video games at the SFWA Blog! In my article "Character Development Lessons From Video Games," I talk about some of my favourite character-driven fantasy and role-playing video games, and the lessons they taught me in developing…

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