Dawn of the Dead

  • Post category:Film StillsMisc.
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Will spend the cooler months watching all the movies I should have watched by now. I'm happy to have finally watched the original Dawn of the Dead. Intensely moody and atmospheric, and strangely nostalgic even though this came out two years before I was born. I'm probably not supposed to…

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Clock & Bell

  • Post category:Misc.PlacesWriting
  • Reading time:8 mins read

When I think about some of the memorable parts of my years writing online, I'm usually most nostalgic for the earliest years: 1997-2001-ish. But recently, I fell into a different sort of nostalgia spiral. I forget how it even started, but I found myself missing the way blogging was just…

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The history of fictional worlds

In 2016, I wrote the following blog post for my history blog, The Small Histories. I was thinking about it again recently and wanted to share it here as well – book lovers will appreciate it! Also, I had to actually laugh out loud when I read “I’m not a worldbuilding sort of writer” – Oh if only the me of 2016 knew that worldbuilding would be ALL she’d do just two years later!


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