Did I create this character, or did bookstagram create this character?

  • Post category:Misc.
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Javi came to life before I got into bookstagram (as little as I consider myself "into bookstagram," that is), and his love of books was extrapolated from my own. But during final edits of The Quiet is Loud, I started to worry that maybe I had been an unwilling host…

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Writing & books in movies: The Terrorizers and La Notte

I recently asked people on Instagram to recommend “pretty and fartistic” movies to me, and I got several good suggestions. I picked the first two, The Terrorizers and La Notte, at random, and was pleasantly surprised to find that books and writers featured heavily in them. These movies were also very pretty, and I took a lot of screenshots for the blog. This might surprise you, but my screenshots skewed heavily towards the writing and books. And I have to say, even though of course I hate it when writing isn’t going well, it’s so satisfying to see writers in movies who are having a bit of a shitty time. At least, until I start relating to them!

I’ll show the books-and-writing ones first, and the other ones at the end – enjoy!

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Dawn of the Dead

  • Post category:Film StillsMisc.
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Will spend the cooler months watching all the movies I should have watched by now. I'm happy to have finally watched the original Dawn of the Dead. Intensely moody and atmospheric, and strangely nostalgic even though this came out two years before I was born. I'm probably not supposed to…

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