First birds.

  • Post category:Misc.Writing
  • Reading time:1 mins read

Common grackle. Red-winged blackbird. Cardinal. My favourite sounds, the sounds I remember from childhood camping trips, from walks around the neighbourhood, from lazy dreamy days. I note their return almost suddenly, just before dawn. My eyes open in the dark and I'm in mid-thought. I hear the birds outside, fluttering…

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Spring sounds

  • Post category:Places
  • Reading time:1 mins read

A small slice of the quotidian: Today, the last day of a long weekend, is quiet and lazy. Through the open balcony door there's the sound of faraway cars, and the occasional curl of wind that's promisingly un-chilling. On the other side of the wall I hear my neighbour belting out…

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Memory things.

  • Post category:Misc.PeopleWriting
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Recently I transfered a few old home movies from VHS to digital files to send to my brother in Germany. We discuss them over Skype, telling each other to go to a certain time marker and pay attention. What do you notice? What did that mean? Was this how you…

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It’s summer.

  • Post category:Misc.Places
  • Reading time:1 mins read

The air bites and stings. I wrap my face in my scarf and tuck my head down against the wind. But later, inside, the sun burns in through the windows like summer. And I’ve been wishing for summer lately, despite myself, despite my nature. I don’t remember the humidity, the…

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  • Post category:Misc.Writing
  • Reading time:1 mins read

The last time I got a diploma or education-related certificate in anything was high school, and I don't recall it being almost as long as my torso. Then again, the Humber program feels bigger, more significant for me than high school did, so maybe it's appropriate.

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My writing space.

  • Post category:PlacesWriting
  • Reading time:2 mins read

I'm a morning writer. The earlier, the better. Before the world has really woken up, and while it's still quiet and slowly brightening outside. When there are only a few lights on in the building across the street, curtains left open and lamps left on. Hearing the small sounds of…

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  • Post category:Misc.Places
  • Reading time:1 mins read

On the false spring day, I walk home after brunch, shedding my scarf, opening my jacket. On car windshields I notice pages placed under windshield wipers. Pages torn from a book. I try to read as I pass. About the Author. A Japanese surname. Across the street a man is…

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